Acronyms and abbreviations |
Non-profit foundation dedicated to the complete inventory of all
species of life on Earth within the next 25 years - a human
ArcInfo GIS software
BioCASE Biological Collections Access System for Europe
BioCISE Biological Collections Information Service for
BioNET int. BioNET-INTERNATIONAL, the Global Network for
Taxonomy, is dedicated to creating sustainable mechanisms to
assist developing countries to overcome the Taxonomic Impediment
by becoming selfreliant in taxonomy.
CABRI Common Access to Biological Resources and Information
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CHM Clearing-House Mechanism
CIMS Collaborative Information Management System
CIRCA Communication and Information Resource Centre
COBRA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
CONABIO Comisión Nacional para el Conocimiento y Uso de la
Biodiversidad (Mexico).
DIVERSITAS An international global environmental change
research programme sponsored by the International Council for
Science (ICSU),
SCOPE (Scientific Committee on Problems of the
IUBS (International Union of Biological Sciences),
IUMS (International Union of Microbiological Societies) and
UNESCO-MAB (Man and the Biosphere)
EBRCN European Biological Resource Centres Network
EC European Commission
EEA European Environmental Agency
EIONET European Environment Information and Observation
EMBNet European Molecular Biology network
ENBI European Network for Biodiversity Information
ENHSIN European Natural History Specimen Information
EPBRS European Platform for Biodiversity Research Strategy
EPGRIS European Plant Genetic Resources information
ERMS European Register of Marine Species
EU European Union
EUNIS European Nature Information System
EURISCO European PGR Search Catalogue
EuroCat Acronym for Species 2000 Europa
Euro+Med European and Mediterranean Plant Database
Fauna Europaea EC financed project to assemble a database of the
scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular
European land and fresh-water animals. Flora Europaea Database of
all the national and regional Floras of Europe (CD-ROM)
GBIF Global Biodiversity Information Facility
GIS Geographic Information Systems
GRID technology Grid Technology enables the sharing and
co-ordinated use of services and resources across distributed,
heterogeneous dynamic virtual organizations irrespective of
geographical location.
GTI Global Taxonomy Initiative