  WP 11








The ENBI-Consortium


The ENBI consortium covers organisations from EU member, associate, and candidate countries in the European western palearctic bio-geographic region. The network allows new (associate) members to join, while taking into account the objectives and tasks of the consortium.

  • The consortium has promoted a strong participation from

  • the (designated) institutes that act as, or serve as host of the national GBIF-nodes

  • the co-ordinating institutes of past or current EU project that are relevant for ENBI

  • other established and major research centres and private organisations in biodiversity information and/or biodiversity informatics


The Partner of WP 11


The term "Partner" of WP 11, Multi -lingual Access, is primarily assigned to those institutions who are closely co-operating and are sub-contracted from IfM-Kiel and responsible for the translation of terms and phrases into the languages chosen for website translation. These partners are expected to come from the following institutions: 

UVA - University of Amsterdam, Zoological Museum of Amsterdam
RMCA - Royal Museum for Central Africa
MNHN - Muséum national d’histoire naturelle
IMBC - Institute of Marine Biology of Crete
CNR / IRPEM - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
LMG / IMAR - Laboratorio Maritimo da Guia 
IMAR - Institute of Marine Research
ICM - Instituto de Ciencias del Mar, CMIMA 
ETI - Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification
Africa Museum - Department of Zoology Fish Section
IEO - Centro Oceanografico de Canarias

The following institutions have agreed to be a partner in WP 11: 

  • MNHN - Muséum national d’histoire naturelle, (French)
    57 rue Cuvier 75231 PARIS CEDEX 05
    Nicolas Bailly, E-mail: bailly@cimrs1.mnhn.fr

  • IMBC - Institute of Marine Biology of Crete (Greek)
    P.O.Box 2214 Heraklion Crete Margaret Eleftheriou 
    E-mail: margaret@imbc.gr 

  • IfM - Institute for Marine Research, Kiel (German)
    Düsternbrooker Weg 20, D - 24105 Kiel, Dr. Bernd Ueberschär E-mail: bueberschaer@ifm.uni-kiel.de

  • LMG / IMAR - Laboratório Marítimo da Guia Faculdade de Ciências de Lisboa (Portuguese), Estrada do Guincho, 2750 Cascais, Dr. Afonso Marques E-mail: ammarques@fc.ul.pt

  • CNR Istituto di Scienze Marine Sezione Pesca Marittima (Italian), Lgo Fiera della Pesca, Dr. Carlo Froglia  I-60125 Acona 55313 Italy, E-mail: c.froglia@ismar.cnr.it

  • Africa Museum, Department of Zoology Fish Section (Dutch) Leuvensesteenweg 13, B-3080, Tervuren, Belgium, Gert Boden E-mail: boden@africamuseum.be

  • ETI - Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification (Netherlands), University of Amsterdam, Mauritskade 61, 1092 AD Amsterdam,  Marc L. Brugman, E-mail: mbrugman@eti.uva.nl

  • IEO - Centro Oceanografico de Canarias (Spanish)
    Instituto Español de Oceanografía San Andrés, 45
    38120 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Dr. Eduardo Balguerías Guerra,
    E-mail: ebg@ca.ieo.es




European Network for
Biodiversity Information

Global Biodiversity
Information Facility

FishBase: A Global Information System on Fishes

Expert Center for Taxonomic Identification

Catalogue of Life Programme

Biodiversity and Biological Collections

Convention on Biological  Biodiversity