


ENBI has been
by the EC |
This Website
represents the Workpackage 11 in Cluster IV of the ENBI-project
with the title:
Access to European Biodiversity Sites"
and will
continously inform the member of the ENBI-Network and specifically
the Partner in WP 11 about the progress of related activities. Guests
are welcome.
Network ENBI |
The European Network
for Biodiversity Information (ENBI) had the objective to
manage an open network of relevant biodiversity information
center's in Europe and other countries of the western European
Palaearctic region, and, in particular, included all European
national nodes of the Global Biodiversity Information Facility
(GBIF). Its objective was to develop the structure of a strong
network that is capable of organising the complementary activities
of its members in order to add value to the contribution of the
national nodes and other European contributions to GBIF. ENBI
was in charge to identify priorities that require a common approach at the
European scale. ENBI was an EC supported Thematic Network
accommodating 65 European institutes representing 24 countries.
ENBI has been rewarded by the EC and was commenced
in January 2003. The project
got financial support for 3 years. |
Access |
access was realized to European biodiversity sites through
a user-friendly interface on the World Wide Web. As the working
language of GBIF and ENBI is English, a precondition to make
biodiversity information avilabable for any user in Europe is
translation into other European languages (Dutch, French, German,
Greek, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish).
The work plan was focused on user
needs. The users include government agencies, decision makers,
legislators, scientists, companies, and citizens. Also
non-European users are very dependent on access to European
information, because many data in European repositories originate
from non-European (often developing) countries. Understanding the
needs of all these kinds of users is paramount for the
dissemination of biodiversity knowledge resources.

Website-Administrator. e-mail:
© B. Ueberschär. e-mail:
Address: Leipniz- Institute of
Marine Science, Kiel
Düsternbrooker Weg 20
D-24105 Kiel, Germany
Updated 07.11. 2005 |

European Network for
Biodiversity Information

Information Facility

FishBase: A
Information System on

Expert Center for
Taxonomic Identification

Catalogue of Life

Biodiversity and

Convention on